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Spotlight On: Single Cup Coffee Makers For The Office

With the rising popularity of single cup coffee machines, many offices have been making the switch from traditional coffee pots to this latest trend in workplace refreshments.


What makes one cup machines such a popular choice?  Here are five reasons why one cup office coffee machines are putting a new spin on the old coffee break:


Single Cup Coffee Makers…


1. Produce Less Mess:  With single cup coffee machines, there are no loose grounds to clean up and no filters to change.


2. Reduce Waste: All too often, a pot of coffee is made without being finished, resulting in pot after pot of wasted coffee.  One cup machines eliminate the problem of excessive wasted coffee.


3. Offer More Convenience: Single cup coffee machines provide the freedom to enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate at any time of the day, even as a late afternoon pick-me-up.


4. Take Up Less Space: Since they don’t require pots or kettles, single serve coffee machinesare compact and streamlined to fit in small spaces.  The result is a neater, more organized break room.


5. Provide More Variety: With numerous hot beverage choices available from one convenient machine, single cup coffee makers offer youremployees and customers all the choices of a gourmet coffeehouse, right in your office.


Want to learn more?  Contact American Vending at 1-800-540-4657.